It's rental high season here in the city, which means that landlords have the upper hand.
So, this week's SurvivalList focuses on all things landlord, including 8 things no landlord will never tell you, how to impress small landlords, the ups and downs of renting from said landlords and a first-person account of a mom-and-pop landlord situation (that feels a bit too much like living with your actual mom and pop).
In order to ensure that you're renting future is a bright one, you'll want to stay off landlord blacklists.
Of course, problems can also arise after you've moved in -- like what if your landlord is the noisy one? Or he's slow to fix things? Or, to the extreme, he tries to poison you?
If for whatever reason -- including landlord poisonings -- you need to leave your apartment, we offer guidelines for breaking up with your landlord (a.k.a. breaking your lease).
But if you think being a tenant is hard, consider things from the landlord's point of view --- Their tenant could be a hoarder or a trust-funder (which comes with its own challenges).
For these, and other landlord-related posts, click the links below.
For renters:
- How to impress a small landlord
- 8 things a landlord will never tell you
- Ups and downs of renting from a small landlord
- How stay off the landlord blacklist
- Shushing a noisy landlord
- Living with a landlord who's a lot and dad
- How to get your landlord to fix stuff
- How to break up with your landlord (break your lease)
- There are good landlords...and then there are those that poison you
For landlords:
- What if your tenant turns out to be a hoarder?
- Should you rent to a trustfund baby?
- Should you rent to a company?
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